
Vue 2

You need to have @vue/composition-api installed and registered.

Vite.js + Vue 3

Nothing required, it works out of the box!

Nuxt 2 / Nuxt bridge

  • Create a plugin in <srcDir>/plugins/chartjs.js
import { Chart, registerables } from 'chart.js';
  • Then register it in your nuxt.config.[js|ts]
export default {
  plugins: [{ src: '~/plugins/chartjs.js', ssr: false }],
  build: {
    // Transpile ESM modules because Nuxt 2 uses CommonJS for building server and `vue-chart-3` uses `lodash-es` internaly
    transpile: ['lodash-es', 'vue-chart-3'],

(Thanks to @mirkopoloniopen in new window for additional Nuxt tips)

Nuxt 3

Create a plugin in <srcDir>/plugins/chartjs.client.ts

import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app';

// Workaround because chart.js doesn't provide an default export
import * as ChartJs from 'chart.js';
const { Chart, registerables } = ChartJs;

export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {

Nuxt 3 will register the plugins itself thanks to the **.client.ts, it knows that it needs to be call only client-side